Saturday, March 28, 2020

Is Online Tutoring a Good Idea For You and Your Child?

Is Online Tutoring a Good Idea For You and Your Child?If you have kids of a high school age or older and you want to enroll them in a course, it is vital that you make sure that they do not miss out on tutoring and Houston Texas 77061 online classes. You must also ensure that they have all the support and encouragement that they need.Most online courses are designed so that a tutor can check your child's progress regularly and ask any questions that they may have. This allows parents to be a little more involved as they are given an opportunity to communicate with the tutor when they need to and this makes life easier for all concerned. It also means that there is always someone to talk to about your child's progress, problems, and tips and advice on what is working and what needs to be done to improve.Tutoring is not compulsory for students at Houston Texas 77061, but many students find it very beneficial. Students who go to school in their own homes or in a small classroom with a t utor will find it much easier to concentrate on their studies and enjoy the lessons. When you have someone in your life that can offer encouragement and support, you will find it much easier to perform your best and achieve all that you set out to do.Many teachers will want to see that your child gets a good result from the tutoring and that the process is easy and stress free for all concerned. They will want to see that your child has enough support and that they feel safe enough to talk to the tutor about anything that they need advice on. They will also want to see that you have all the relevant documentation with you when you go to meet the tutor, so that they know that you are taking full responsibility for everything that is going on.The other great thing about having good support and guidance with online tutoring is that it allows you to avoid attending a traditional classroom. If you are busy and cannot find the time to attend a classroom then you may consider taking up onl ine tutoring. You can easily find one that meets your needs and budget, depending on the kind of course that you want to undertake.Houston Texas 77061 online tutoring can really benefit you and your children. As well as giving you a chance to study with your child in a convenient way and help to get them focused on their studies, you can also enjoy all the great benefits that online tutoring provides, without having to commit to a full term course. These courses are often time limited and you need to be able to stay focused, so online tutoring is perfect for those looking to supplement their course work.With good support and guidance online tutoring and Houston Texas 77061 can really help your child. It can help them to learn as much as possible, so that they are ready for their GCSEs. So look out for these great options and find a tutoring company that is going to give you the support and guidance that you need.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Craft and Deliver the Perfect Pick-Up Line

How to Craft and Deliver the Perfect Pick-Up Line via 1.  Wordplay Wordplay is defined as a “literary technique and a form of wit in which words used become the main subject” and it is primarily intended for amusement. Wordplay includes puns, oddly formed sentences, clever rhetorical excursions and double entendres. Using a unique and clever play on words is a great way to impress a potential love prospect because creativity is often associated with intelligence. Whether your pick-up line includes wordplay that is thoroughly thought out or a little lame, it’s the thought that counts and anything original will surely impress someone. A couple of my favorite pick-up lines that use clever wordplay include “I have all these forks and knives only now all I need is a little spoon” and “Is your name Coca-Cola? You’re So-da-licious”. 2.  Compliment You can never go wrong with a pick-up line that includes a genuine compliment. Complimenting someone is a great way to break the ice because they make people feel good and know that you genuinely are attracted to them and would like to get to know them better. According to a study done in 2012, praise induces a positive mood and increases motivation to perform a motor task. In our case, including a compliment in a pick-up line is an effective way to guarantee a response back. A couple of my favorite pick-up lines that incorporate compliments include “If you were a vegetable you’d be a cutecumber” and “Did the sun just come out or did you smile at me?” 3.  Use Humor, but Don’t be Vulgar When using pick-up lines, be careful not to cross a line and go too far. Although some pick-up lines that are a little suggestive can be funny, make sure to not be too vulgar because it can make both parties very uncomfortable. Some people do find suggestive pick-up lines funny though so if you do want to try it out, don’t be discouraged if it backfires. This can also be a good way to figure out if a love prospect has a similar sense of humor as you or not. 4. Be confident No matter the pick-up line you’re using, the most important thing to do when courting a potential love interest is to be confident, but not cocky. If you say something with confidence and act comfortable introducing yourself to someone, the pick-up line more or less doesn’t matter so much. Delivering an amazing pick-up line poorly because you are not confident is much worse than delivering a lame pick-up line with all of the confidence in the world. According to Psychology Today, this is because people are attracted to those who are comfortable with themselves, making them charming, assertive and generally pleasant to be around. Cheesy pick-up lines can be a fun and creative way to break the ice with a potential love interest if done correctly. Over a few years of being single, I have received my fair share of pick-up lines and have noticed trends that work and don’t work. If you choose to use a one-liner to break the ice, the most important thing you can do is say it with confidence. However, keep in mind that using clever wordplay, being humorous without being too vulgar and giving compliments are also very important things to consider when selecting the perfect pick-up line to use!

ALOHA Parent Testimonial - Dublin, CA - ALOHA Mind Math

ALOHA Parent Testimonial - Dublin, CA Parent Testimonial Following is an ALOHA Parent Testimonial Spring 2014. We surveyed some of our students and their parents about the programs we offer at ALOHA and this is one of the testimonials we received. Abhiram Mokkapati Parents Sivaprasad Prapurna Mokkapati Dublin, California Aishwarya Koneru, owner We, the parents of Abhiram Mokkapati and Suhas Mokkapati, really appreciate ALOHA mind math program. It has improved our kids to learn math faster. We recommend that other kids join if possible. We attribute 100 % success to ALOHA. We liked the way ALOHA uses for the student to learn math and my kid loved doing it! Right from addition to fractions, ALOHA has been working with my kid. ALOHA helped our son Abhi to excel in school. He has been scoring 95%. If Abhi would not have joined ALOHA, he would have missed the joy of learning math in a different style. We highly recommend that any student join mind math. Even we learned something new from our kid doing math in a different style.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Creative writing comes naturally and cannot be developed. Is this true - ALOHA Mind Math

Creative writing comes naturally and cannot be developed. Is this true Children’s thoughts are full of imagination and curiosity but they often find it uncomfortable to pen down their thoughts, whereas writing can be an excellent exercise for kids to let out their thoughts and pictures they construct which a mere image of their personality and creativity. Most kids today dread the thought of writing, even after all the writingexercisesthey do in school they often see it as tedious process. And in this digital age of email, text messaging and social networking, kids’ tolerance for writing anything longer than a few characters is being severely tested. It’s very important today to encourage Kids to start writing, learning how to spell and following rules of grammar and punctuation at a very early age as being able to write and write well is an essential skill for all ages. You can easily get your kids to start early by introducing them to writing games that are fun for them. Learning to write well through a creative manner will not only help them overcome their inhibitions of writing but will also make writing an enjoyable task for them. To get started here are few ideas how to get your kids to start enjoying writing: Persuasion Game: Get your kids to write a letter whenever they want something from you like a toy or a pizza night it could be anything and also why they deserve it (a sense of accomplishment comes in here). This surely can persuade them to write and bring out the quality of requesting and gratitude as well. Retrospect Game: Dedicate half an hour every Sunday morning with your kids looking back at the past weeks activities and pick out the activity your kid enjoyed the most. Now make them write about it and give them points on details and descriptions the closer they get to the entire picture the higher they score. To motivate them you reward them appropriately. This also brings about the quality of attention to details. Description Game:This is a game you can play with your kid daily.Get your kids to draw/ read out characters. Once they have drawn or read they cannot go back erase or re-read means no details can be added. When the listeners has finished their drawings, show them to the reader and have the reader look for any missing details in each picture. This willhelp kids see which details they left out. This enhances their listening skills,reading skills as well as writing skills. Building on Game: Start writing a story with your kids. You should start the beginning two lines and every member of the family should add on to it, this creates a lot of excitement for the kids as every time a thought comes to their mind they would go on and add to it. This surely triggers the creative side of your kids and keeps them constantly thinking about new ideas to keep the story going.They dont want the fun to end. There are plenty games out there which you can churn out from the web. Another great way to get your kids to build on their writing skills is the Aloha’s reading and writing program they have a commendable structured program which motivates, stimulates young minds, and develops a passion for reading and writing spontaneously! For more details on them check out here: Go ahead share with us any other games that you have come across to build on writing skills.

Snowy or Rainy-Day Indoor Activities for Kids when its just Bad Weather Outside - ALOHA Mind Math

Snowy or Rainy-Day Indoor Activities for Kids when it’s just Bad Weather Outside When the weather outside is just too wet or too cold for extended outdoor play, you might start to run out of ideas to keep your kids entertained. Here are some ideas from a couple of Children’s activities blog that can keep your kids busy indoors. Click on the links below for some great ideas. Create an indoor obstacle courseIfyour kids have tons of energy, but it’s miserable outside â€" try this activity â€" it can keep kids involved for hours. As you design the course, take into account the ages and abilities of the kids who are participating. Blind Penny Hunt â€" Keep your children outside of the living room or finished basement while you scatter pennies over the open room. Remove breakables first. Then blindfold your children and have them crawl on hands and knees and see who finds the most pennies in this fun scavenger hunt. How to Run a Library â€" If you love books, and your kids love books, let your child use the books in your house to learn about running a library. Create a miniature house for dolls or action figures â€" At the beginning, this is an interactive project with you and your kids â€" work together to create the house and furnishings from cardboard boxes, fabric scraps and odds and ends. Then you can turn it over to them for hours of imaginary play. Click here for a larger list from Family Education of bad weather indoor activities for children. Kids and Bad Weather Ideas from Redbook Magazine This site has 9 ideas in a slide show with great pics showing you the results. My favorite tip of theirs is getting your kids in the kitchen and helping you make their fav cookies. Also â€" the pitch a tent or build a fort indoors is a fun one too. And from My Kids Adventures an A to Z list of 26 Rainy Day Activities for Kids. Some of these ideas are better for warmer regions of the country (or seasons) and truly for rainy days, but others work great for those snow days when it’s just too cold for your children to go outdoors for long. The bonus on this site is the classic Gene Kelly clip from Singing in the Rain â€" where he walks and dances in the rain while signing that signature tune. I can’t get the “smile of my face.” What are some of your favorite things to do when the weather brings your kids inside and cabin fever sets in?

The Importance of Having a Chemistry High School Tutor

The Importance of Having a Chemistry High School TutorFor those who need to attend high school in the coming academic year, having a high school chemistry tutor can make a big difference. There are many different kinds of books that can be helpful to many students, and this one will also provide insight into the importance of looking at all angles when it comes to study habits. This book can help keep many students on track with their studies for the coming academic year.The materials that are given to students can range from videos to books, which can be useful in helping students stay focused. Some teachers may have used material like these in the past, but for the most part, many students are finding that it is worth spending time reading about all the different topics. While teachers will have taught students to memorize something for the class, they will have not put emphasis on the importance of actually being able to memorize things. These materials can help keep a student foc used, so that when exams come, they can focus on the right things.For students who already have a basic understanding of the classes, then a high school chemistry book can be very useful. While the material may be very basic, it can help a student with the basics of the topic in addition to providing insight into other important areas.There are a number of options available when it comes to purchasing these high school chemistry books. The best option, in my opinion, is to go online and find a book that has plenty of reviews from people who have already used it.For any person's life, there is always some question about spending money. If a person finds that it is worth spending time on something that will be beneficial to them, then they should certainly make that a priority. When it comes to studying, any material that is relatively inexpensive will help.It is important for anyone to think about what a person's finances are like, especially during the next academic year. Having a b udget for each day can help a person to keep track of how much money they spend on food, rent, and even entertainment. It is always better to invest a little bit of money than to spend a lot of money that will not go toward keeping their student at home.The best thing about going online to purchase a high school book is that it will save a person time. The last thing a person wants to do is spend hours reading a book or having to pay for transportation.

Tutoring And Online Tutorials

Tutoring And Online TutorialsAs I mentioned in a previous article on tutoring, when I used to go to college, I lived in a large metropolitan area and was well served by free tutoring services. However, when I moved into my house and did not have such a service nearby, I found it necessary to find another means of quality instruction.My first stop was to investigate the difference between traditional, one time, and cheap tutors. I found that while traditional tutors offered long term assistance, they often got lazy and never returned to help when I requested it.Cheap tutors, on the other hand, often only offer tutoring for a short period, and they are usually unable to keep up with student demands. They also require very little of their students, and often did not recognize or comprehend some difficult concepts or methods, as they usually grew out of them, and forgot them in college. It is easier to learn how to read well and write more quickly if you have learned the subject, than if you were to learn them accidentally.Thus, I found it necessary to find some sort of support for my big subject matter, that I needed in order to excel at my course. I wanted to learn how to compete in such a competitive field, and I wanted to compete against students who had better pre-requisites, and would be able to compete on a personal level with me, versus being taught by a less qualified teacher.It was during this time that I learned about online tutorials, which allowed me to take advanced mathematics courses, and economics classes, without having to enroll in costly class times. In short, I did not have to pay for a single semester of classes, and the tuition fees, as they are usually not large, could be paid in installments.And what I liked best about these online tutorials, was that they gave me the ability to compare one set of courses with another and pick the one that best suited my needs. I could also see my progress, in terms of what was required to complete my cours e, and compare it to what others were taking, and give me an objective view of how much I actually needed to learn.This way, I could easily do all of my business at home, without the hassle of commuting to classes, and dealing with a crowded classroom. If I could learn everything in one day courses, I could do all of my jobs, such as mowing lawns, and lawn care, without spending time, and being cooped up in a classroom. Indeed, I could not find another better method to aid me in the battle to excel in college.

Latin Lessons in School

Latin Lessons in School Why You Should Be Taking Latin at GCSE ChaptersWhat is the Value of Learning Latin? Keep your Options OpenBenefits of Private Latin LessonsSo Are Private Lessons Worth It?During your secondary school education you have the option to take on extra subjects outside of the usual curriculum. Whatever subjects you choose you can take Latin alongside them (providing your school allows you to).Latin can provide you with a strong base for other languages you learn like French, Spanish and Italian and can even help you understand your own language!Latin is at the root of the Romance languages such as French or Italian. Photo credit: Internet Archive Book Images on VisualHunt.comLearning this mental discipline is difficult and takes hard work but it not only help with your language skills but in many other skills in life.Latin fills in the missing linksLatin will change your learning across all subjects from good to great. Latin fills in the missing links in modern education, it ties everything together. Latin is for languages what maths is for science, it provides a strong foundation on which to learn other languages. It gives your learning structure.Languages and maths are arguably the most difficult subjects to learn because you have to keep building on what you know, nothing can be forgotten. That’s a lot of information to remember! Subjects like this continuously require new skills that are more advanced than the ones you already have. Most other subjects are not as difficult as this and instead focus on topics. Like history for example, you learn about a certain topic like World War One and you pass an exam on that topic and then you move on. You don’t need to keep this knowledge for the next exam which will be on a different topic.But, Latin and maths aren’t that easy. You have to remember all the knowledge you’ve learned and be able to build on it to improve. This type of ‘deeper’ thinking, going further into a subject than surface knowledge (like dates and facts of the World Wars), is an essential skill for students. Studying maths and Latin can provide you with this skill.Find out what to expect when taking Latin lessons...Keep your Options OpenWhile Latin may not open every door for you it certainly won’t close any. This language, despite being a dead one, offers many possibilities on a linguistic and historical level.You could become a Latin teacher. Latin is coming back into fashion with more and more people wanting to pick up the language. Working as a language teacher you can help keep this dead language alive!Aside from the linguistic side, don’t forget the strong history behind Latin. Latin was the dominant language in Europe for hundreds of years. Then it was the language of the Christian Church, its impact was huge. Understanding the history of Latin can be a profession!   Historians, theologians, archaeologists, ethnologists all have bases in Latin. This language is very useful to understand our past.You may investigate tools for learning Latin online ...Benefits of Private Latin LessonsLearn latin with a Superprof private tutor. Source: Visual HuntThe benefits of private lessons are endless! While learning in group lessons can be helpful and can help you at the beginning, private lessons are tailored to you and you can learn at your own pace rather than the pace of the rest of the group.But to really succeed in private lessons you must first have the motivation to begin and the determination to carry on and improve!Improve your Latin, quicklyThe problem with group classes is that you don’t get one on one time. You might be struggling with a certain grammar point or finding a certain word hard to pronounce. In a group class, your teacher probably won’t have the time to help each individual with everything they’re struggling with. That’s where a private tutor can help. They are there to help you as an individual, so they can help you grasp that grammar point and to pronounce that word.Classes will be tailored to your speci fic needs and goals. If you find something difficult you can spend more time on that and less time on other points that are easier for you.Your teacher will get to know the best way for you to learn so they can adapt lessons to assure you reach your potential. Having a personal tutor also means you have nowhere to hide! If you’ve not done the homework, then it’s going to be obvious when you’re the only student in the class… A personal tutor will keep you accountable and make sure you’re putting the work in. Latin is a hard language to learn so you have to be motivated!Boost your confidenceAs well as improving your Latin skills on paper, private lessons will also boost your confidence in your abilities! In a group class, it can be hard to find the confidence to answer questions in front of others or to practice your speaking skills in conversation classes.  A private tutor can help with this. As we said earlier, a private tutor is there just for you and so will know the be st way to improve your confidence. You can do one on one conversations with them or repeat exercises until you are confident you know it.Private tutors are specialists in their subjects so you know you can ask them anything about Latin! If you don’t understand something tell them straight away, they’ll help you work it out and you can go on to the next topic confident in your abilities!Find out where you can take Latin lessons in London...So Are Private Lessons Worth It?Private lessons are useful in all learning and even more so in the field of languages. Group classes are often not enough to acquire a complete practice which will allow you to progress quickly.And beyond learning grammar points and vocabulary, it is the longer-term vision that is interesting. Master the texts of Plato, Aristotle, and Titus. Knowing the history of Rome through the ancient texts serves your knowledge of general culture.It can open up additional opportunities at a professional level too. Latin is t he language of many professions, like Law, is the language of governments and theology. Latin also provides the roots for the vocabulary of modern science, and even geography: did you know that Argentina comes from  Argentum  because it was a land where great silver deposits were found?Latin is integrated into our daily lives. You will see that this language is far from dead.Find your Latin tutor on Superprof  !Now discover easy ways for you to start learning Latin...

5 Goals for the Ambitious Introvert for 2015 - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 5 Goals for the Ambitious Introvert for 2015 - Introvert Whisperer 5 Goals for the Ambitious Introvert for 2015 If you pooh-pooh New Year’s resolutions, this article is for you. I’m not going to suggest resolutions, nor am I going to tell you should tax your wintering  brain to figure some out. I’ve done that for you. All you need to do it print these out, tape them on your desk wall and begin taking action. Any time. Including February. Seriously, could it get any easier? Goal #1: Make a Career Plan Be honest. You probably don’t have a career plan, do you? Where will you end up if you don’t? Too many people think that “something will happen” and are just holding out for that breakthrough moment. Here’s the thing: those moments don’t usually happen without your active involvement. Figure out where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. (Like this thought? Tweet it!) Goal #2: Have a Conversation With the Boss Do you know how the boss views your performance? It does matter. You have to take responsibility for your own career, and one of those responsibilities is engaging the boss in a meaningful conversation about how well you’re doing. Goal #3: Learn to Network Better You may already think you’re networking, but there’s almost certainly room to improve. Make this the year you take your game to the next level. You won’t get ahead without this all-important activity. To start off, try contacting people you used to work with. Just that alone is probably far more than you’ve been doing. See it’s not so painful, is it? Goal #4: Be Heard This can be a tough one for some with introverted tendencies, but there’s an easy solution. Make a goal to speak up 3 times in each meeting you attend. Don’t worry if what you say is a rehash of what someone else has said. There is a lot of repetition in conversations and meetings. If you intend to be a leader, people have to hear from you on all matters. Setting a goal to be heard makes it easier to engage. Goals #5: Make Alliances Make deliberate relationships at work. Pick out a mentor who will give you all kinds of great insight. Find a couple of people at your level who you know have skills that you don’t. You can learn from these people and in turn, share some of your expertise. Think of it like bartering. You’ll notice that 4 out of 5 of these goals involve other people. Our ability to interact with other successfully is known as Emotional Intelligence. You can’t have too much, and recent studies have said it is the number 1 factor for personal and professional success. Make 2015 your Emotional Intelligence development year. Your future depends on it. Go to top Where do you want to take your career this year? Share your Ambitious Introvert goals in the comments! Image: Flickr Personal Branding starts with how well you speak about YOU.   I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook â€" The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech.   In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a “wardrobe” of ways to talk about you â€" to leave a lasting impression.   Get your copy now: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.